There is a crack …

juni 20, 2011 § Lämna en kommentar

Jo, så här började det hela: Jag skulle kolla upp de egentliga orden i den där ”Halleluja-sången” som man ideligen hör i skvalstationerna … och när jag läste orden och såg författaren sjunga sången från sin comeback-turné, då blev jag ögonblickligen förälskad! …

… Kanske för att jag kände igen mig själv i honom: en helgon som på nåt viss fått glorian på sniskan i denna knasiga världen. … Leonard Cohen, en urban ”präst med fedorahatt” skulle jag vilja beskriva honom.

Från hans låt ”Anthem” återfinns en känd Cohen-citat som på nåt viss sammanfattar hans lyrik-och-sång-gärning:

❝There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.❞

"Leonard Cohen the Redeemer" (cc by-nc-sa) by jilliancyord @flickr

"Leonard Cohen the Redeemer" (cc by-nc-sa) by jilliancyord @flickr

Han får frågan om dessa strofer i en intervju med den portugisiska veckotidningen Express:

In other song you also say ”There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”. It is not a very happy thought to believe that something will always have to break, to open a crack, in order to the light gets in…

It is a happy thought if we enjoy the truth. There is always something that will have to break. Usually it is our personal proud.

A Buddhist thinker said that disappointment is a great way to illumination. Other masters said: ”from the broken débris of my heart I will erect an altar to the Lord”.

The idea that there is a staircase of gold and marble, which leads to knowledge is seductive, but seems to me that the idea of something needing to get broken before we can learn anything is a more true idea. It is my experience, maybe you can escape it, but I doubt it. Unless the heart breaks, we will never know anything about love. As long as our objective universe don’t collapse, we’ll never know anything about the world.

We think that we know the mechanism, but only when it falls we understand how intricate and mysterious is the operation. So, it is true, ”there’s a crack in everything”, all human activity is imperfect and unfinished. Only that way we can have the notion that there’s something inside us that can only be located through disillusion, bad luck and defeat. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.

… Det kommer några fler Cohen-inlägg framöver! 🙂 …

Var befinner jag mig?

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